Popular techniques

Popular techniques

We’ve gathered for you 5 top courses with the most popular nail design techniques in one package.

In this package we have gathered for you the most popular courses at a bargain price,
so you can earn more with new nail design techniques.

Total Course Duration: 12 hours (16 lessons)

The package includes 5 full-length courses:

Online course “Geometry”

Draw geometry symmetrically, quickly and clearly

Course duration: 3 hours (5 lessons)

Online course “Texture Designs”

Create beautiful and original textures quickly and easily

Course duration: 2.5 hours (3 lessons)

Online course “Gradient”

Create beautiful and perfectly smooth gradients

Course duration: 2 hours (3 lessons)

Online course “Monogram”

Learn the fine line technique and learn how to create openwork compositions.

Course duration: 2 hours (1 lesson)

Online course “Stamping”

Create beautiful drawings in 1-3 minutes without any special techniques or drawing skills

Course duration: 3 hours (4 lessons)

On the course you will learn how to

Draw straight and crisp lines (Linear drawings help create interesting and stylish designs)

Create unusual texture combinations (Over 1000 designs! No texture repeats another)

Create design in one swipe over entire tip surface

Without drawing skills, create beautiful designs in 1-3 minutes

Draw fine lines and monograms

Create beautiful compositions

Create beautiful and perfectly flowing gradients that will always be in fashion

Create three-colour, vertical and circular gradients

Understand colour combinations in designs

Your future works

Who is suitable for this course

For those new to manicures

If you want to improve the quality of your work and thereby earn more money

Experienced craftsmen

If you want to take on-the-job training and learn new skills

Why it is worth learning

You will improve your skills

On-the-job training at your convenience as all lessons are available on tape

Raise your average bill

By improving the quality of work and new techniques

Course teachers

Lana Berzina

Certified training centre instructor

Author of school curriculum for nail design

Technologist with 5 years of experience in testing materials and creating designs

Teacher with higher education in pedagogy

Loves to find the best materials to work with due to their properties and composition. Tells all their advantages and disadvantages. Enjoys sharing interesting designs and “tricks” for fixing decorations firmly.

Luize Berzina

Certified and licensed instructor at Burlesque Manicure School for training programmes:

  • hardware manicure;
  • combination manicure;
  • nail modelling.

Master manicurist with over 8 years experience. International level teacher with 6 years of experience.

Multiple winner of the championships on manicure, modeling and nail design.

Holder of the Grand Prix of the International Manicure, Modelling, Airbrush and Nail Design Championships 2019.

Author of school curricula for manicure, pedicure, modelling and nail designs.

How the course proceeds

The course combines theory and practice.
You study the material at your own pace and complete assignments.
During the course, you will be able to communicate with the teacher via messenger at your convenience.
Get answers to questions and advice on your work.